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Showing posts from May, 2019

Bob Crowley

Bob Crowley was born in Cork, Ireland in 1952. He is an Academy Award winning scenic designer, and has designed over 20 productions over his career. He uses a variety of colors and shapes, and movement in his pieces. He uses variety by experimenting with colors and messing around with shapes. For example, in the play The Glass Menagerie, he made a staircase that seems like it was leaning and going away from the audience. Crowley uses movement in most of pieces. For example, in his play American in Paris, he uses projections of airplanes to give the illusion that they are flying over head.

3D Print Artists

Digital Grotesque is a 3D printing studio created by two architects, Benjamin Dillenburger and Michael Hansmeyer. It's goal is to create rooms, know as Grottos, just by using a 3D printer. It's Grottos are intense, and filled with minute details that really put the room together. Eric Van Straaten combines images of female forms with birds to explore ideas of youth, femininity, freedom and environmental issues. For example, one of his pieces called "Flamingo" points out the history of the bird species through his descriptions of his works. He uses a lot of color and his pieces leave you wonder what it all means.

Frank Stella

Frank Philip Stella was born on May 12, 1936, and is an American painter, sculptor and printmaker who still works today. He works with color and shapes, making a fun and slightly disorientating effect. He uses patterns and messes with them to create an abstract piece of art. In the 1960s and early 1970s, Stella would experiment with bright colors and patterns to make the viewer see different shapes. Today, he has experimented with more sculptures. They look like they are meant to represent something, but it's hard to tell which is the point. Stella also uses his paintings to discombobulate and overwhelm the viewer with all the action happening in the piece.  Older work: Newer Work: