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Showing posts from April, 2019

TED Talk: One Year of Turning the World Inside Out

This episode of TED Talk tells the story of a photographer who asked for a world wide group project. The project was for random people to take photos of those on the street and send those photos to him. People all around the globe did this: Native American tribes, people in Pakistan and Israel, and gay people in Russia. I think that the project was super empowering and an intelligent way to tell the story of people whose stories are never told.

Diptychs and Triptychs

A diptych is a painting or artwork that is two flat pieces hinged or attached together. Below is a diptych that has a blend of the principles of art: balance, harmony, and gradation. The balance comes from the use of the same colors, brush strokes, and intense disproportion of the characters. The harmony is that they are clearly from the same universe and they compliment each other. The painting plays around with gradation: small eyes to large ones, warped head shapes, light colors on the face compared to the dark background. Triptychs are the same as diptychs, but instead of two pieces of artwork, it's three. Below is a triptych that follows the same principles of art. The fact that the three pieces are connected by universe and interact with each other means that the artist is using harmony. The painting has balance because of the way the artist set up the two adults to be beside each other. It also has gradation because of the use of dark and light colors surrounding the peo

Movement: Kinetic Sculptures

Below are kinetic sculptures designed by a Belgian artist named Pol Bury. He uses water, gravity, stainless steel, and/or wood to make unsettling and moving sculptures.